"Passivhaus" is a passive house, but construction criteria is entrusted to a design "concept" quantitative . It had been developing in Germany by the Research Institute PHI Passivhaus Institut since 1988.
Today thousands of houses, administrative and commercial buildings, schools , churches and supermarkets throughout the world are Passivhaus certified. The results are amazing and the experiences have been validating living comfort and really reducing energy consumption by 10 times lower than conventional buildings.
Please get in touch to know what you need to do to make buildings or renovations with the protocol of Certification of Passivhaus within your administration.
Contact us to know what you can do in order to enter in the world of passive houses
Contact us to learn how you can realize your building with the methodology Passivhaus
The partner companies are the reality that they believe in the concept, passive houses, and that, for this reason, if you are promoting through the activities of information and dissemination; to support, also, the activities of the association with a economic participation.
The partner companies participating in seminars and thematic meetings. The partner Companies can play the role of an associate member with the right to vote, if they have skills and experience in Passivhaus or similar.
Darmstadt is the first building to Passivhaus
Germany concept of Passivhaus
The Associated expert designer is the person, who has constructed a building certified by the Passivhaus Institut and/or attended classes in CEPH or similar, recognized, or, still, to have high technical skills which are inspired by the purposes and principles of the art. 2) of the Statute. The Associated with an expert designer has the right to vote in the shareholders ' meeting.
An investigator is any person and/or entity that intends to economically sustain the activities of our group with donations and donations.
The Investigator is not an associate and does not have the right to vote in shareholders ' meeting. The Investigator, however, may become an associate member, entitled to vote, if you have skills and experience in Passivhaus or similar.
The Associated expert craftsman is every natural person who has attended courses on Passivhaus for artisans and/or Tradesperson or equivalent level recognized and participating in first person activities of our group. The associated Expert Craftsman has the right to vote in shareholders ' meeting.
An Associate that takes part occasionally in the activities is a Supporter.
certified first building in Sicily
certified first building in Italy
TEL. +39 334 178 3650
CATANIA address
TEL. +39 095 097 9725
cell. +39 328 781 2722
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