On 12th to 14th April at Ciminiere center in Catania , "Progetto Comfort" fair has dedicated several seminars to the world of Sustainability and Building.In the context of the Smart City seminary , our President Ing. Carmelo Sapienza presented the technical and social procedures on how the Passivhaus are the milestones , the smart building, of the Cities of tomorrow.The comfort, guaranteed by Passive Houses, confirms that the protocol places human beings at the center as well as building quality.The very low consumption and the absence of CO2 emissions make, our homes or our offices, a building with positive energy with zero energy bill. The costs, like the "class A" buildings as per Italian law, make the Passive House a zero-energy NZEB building for EVERYONE.
The city of Frankfurt, in its building regulations, only allows the construction or retrofit of buildings ONLY with the Passivhaus protocol.
Thanks to the data collected, by the eERG group of the Politecnico di Milano, the Botticelli Project confirms that, even in the Mediterranean, these buildings are going well, even better ....
visit Botticelli Project web page
A milestone for environmental and economic sustainability.